Doctor Who Fanon

This article was written by JoBoGamerOfficial.
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The Boy Who Ran Away is the debut episode of Doctor Who: Time's Apprentice, introducing a new character, Alex, who becomes the Doctor's latest companion. The episode blends the classic adventurous spirit of Doctor Who with the mystery surrounding Alex's significance in the universe.


The episode opens with a 14-year-old boy, Alex, hastily packing a suitcase in his bedroom while his parents express concern about his recent behavior. Suddenly, a mysterious vortex appears in his room, and the Doctor, an enigmatic figure, emerges. The Doctor tells Alex that he is special and that they must leave immediately to avoid dangerous creatures known as Time Wraiths.

Alex is whisked away into the TARDIS, where he experiences the wonder of the Doctor's time machine for the first time. The Doctor explains that Alex has a unique connection to time and space, which is why the Time Wraiths are after him. After a harrowing chase through time, the Doctor manages to outmaneuver the Wraiths, and Alex is faced with a choice: return to his normal life or join the Doctor on incredible adventures through time and space.

In the episode's second half, the Doctor takes Alex to Future London in the year 3005, where they witness the preparation for a historic peace conference. However, the Doctor senses something amiss. Their suspicions are confirmed when terrorists attack the event, threatening galactic war. With Alex's help, the Doctor thwarts the attack, showcasing his quick thinking and resourcefulness.

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